Dear KSers :)
how have things been for all of you? Just before our little outing this Saturday at Lower Pierce Reservoir, I'd like to share some more words of encouragement and also, add on to the previous threads.
(psst, COME join us for KS! and this is not just a one-time invitation, but an every-saturday-with-KS-happening where possible invitation! :) Lord (very) willing!)
From the autobiography of Joni Eareckson Tada to the account of Juli's father in "Polishing God's Monuments: Pillars of Hope for Punishing Times", both of which are very good books as many have recommended, I have learnt valuable lessons (through the Holy Spirit's guidance) that have helped me through even some periods and moments in life where many would be tempted to dismiss as "emo" times or conclude such times as simply "wasted" and utterly awful. Sounds familiar? Yes, we won't deny that such moments exist and sometimes "intrude" into our lives, but we can find peace within when we know that God is in full control and contrary to the popular saying, we are definitely not at the whims and mercy of blind fate. It's never too late to switch your thinking :) When people talk about and strive for individual freedom, they often neglect or fail to realise how liberating it is to be able to come before the mercy seat and submit all our cares and woes unto our Lord, who knows best and is by far the best problem solver one can ever ask for. That is, if we let God be God. Personally, taking the first step was not easy. Sometimes, I let my worries and anxiety overwhelm me, and there is a proclivity to be perfectionistic about the things we like or think we are good at. However, we are good at what we give our best in and what God blesses us with, and no one but Him can achieve perfection (esp for us when Christ comes). When things get frustrating, and I mean, REALLY frustrating, we eventually give it all up (to God). However, He should instead be our first option (what happened to Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God?), besides being there for us and beckoning us with "Come unto me, All ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11: 28).
2 Analogies: Ingedients in baking..and the rubbles amidst construction work
The author of Polishing God's monuments, Jim Andrews, wrote that "Not all the ingredients of experience the Lord provides for us delight our experiential tastes". He likened life's experiences to the process of baking/cooking and also, construction work in progress. For the former, he prompted the readers to imagine tasting each of the ingredients separately, even before they are mixed together, cooked, boiled or flavoured as a whole. Can you imagine eating..raw egg yolks? what about...vanilla essence by itself? Although I am a foodie, and I would not mind trying the latter out HAHAH :P, we know that such individual ingredients can be quite distasteful although a baked pastry tastes quite the opposite, where all the ingredients worked together for good :) For the latter example, Jim Andrews wrote about how de(con)structive everything seems when bulldozers work their rounds and amidst all the noise and mess, we simply cannot fathom what the outcome would look like. However, when one revisits the location years later, he/she will be amazed.
These two analogies are very meaningful as they show how bits that seem destroyed, wasted, useless or even awful can come together to work out something delectable and more grand, under some sort of recipe or Master plan. Yes, everything is part of His plan. You may think that this might exclude the minutes you spend at the busstop waiting for your ride, or your birthdate even. However, take a step back, and it will be easier for you to thank God for such moments and events. Because you are there at the busstop, you are "exempted" from harsher realities elsewhere in the world, or you may have missed that bus which would break down anyway. Then you may ask, what happens if we waited for what seems like "forever" to board a bus that breaks down? Well, I'd give thanks still, although I admit I may mumble and grumble to myself before realizing that our God is still the Master of all things, even trivial things like this so sit back and wait for him to weave it all together! If after many years, you still cannot get the answer for being stuck in that broken-down bus, it does not mean the answer does not exist. It is because He has yet to reveal it to you, or sees it unnecessary as yet, judging from how your life has moved on, according to His plan, to many other things :) For our birthdate, I remember that it was mentioned during evening service one Sunday that hey, thanks be to God that we are born in Singapore, on habitable Earth, and I think for many of us, after Singapore went through the riots and war in the first half of the 20th century. Instead of comparing yourself to someone in greener pastures, why not take comfort in how green your pasture is already! (what about those is less desirable pastures than you? Take time to think and pray for them, it beats self-pity and frown lines :))
For those who think that the days are nothing but evil (well, it is very tempting to think so in this fallen world but there's a "BUT"...), the author mentioned that the devil can be in the details (My my..he sure is persistent! in our lingo, it may be called "irritating"), but God is in charge of the details :) When satan tempts me to despair, and tries his best to get me down at the oddest moments and when I (wrongly) feel that I should have the right to be happy, and it is unfair and awful that I am being attacked by the devil, I feel more ready to bounce back and refuse him with the grace from God. A daily devotion once pointed out that satan is using all his weapons to bring us down, but he can never succeed. Step back and think for a moment. Do we not have our own weapons? and which would you select out of the lot? your own wits? talents? strength? or God? God is the one who sent the devil on his belly to eat dust, and yes, the devil can attempt to slither his way into our lives when we let our guards down, but we must have faith in God who will deliver us from evil and secure victory for us. In trials and tribulations, I realise that I learnt much more and cliche it may be, but I emerged stronger. Don't you want to resist the devil with God's help? He can, and He will :) Here is what came to my mind as I am typing this :P Pardon me for the really shaky drawing because I work without a mouse on my laptop.
Remember, our Lord never changes. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever as written in Hebrews 13:8. (very very comforting!) so, fear not the changes that besought/beset you, for in His grand scheme, these are not random changes with the intention to frighten you, but they are necessary events meticulously planned longgggg before you were born to change your life for the better.
and one last thing, remember our good old friend, Romans 8: 28? this verse will never cease to bring many of us cheer and comfort, and I hope that it will do so for the rest of you. When we read that all things will work together for good, let us not exert our own limited definition of "good" here. In Genesis, we saw that God made all things good -but hey, to me, honestly, it was FANTASTIC. God was a truly great designer! and it was written as "good". So...our definition may come close, but we should not assume that our definition is congruent with His entirely, not hope that Our Lord humbles his own definition to suit ours. According to God, this "good" extends beyond the short term and the temporary; it relates to things eternal, to Christ and how we can conform to His goodness for our benefit :) Did not Christ take up the heavier end of the cross? If you answer "er..Dunno?" or "No?", think again :)
Let's give thanks and keep one another in our prayers. Here's my own take: Life can be hard, but life is full of people too, people who go through difficulties too and need our supplications/prayers. Press on KSers! We can do all things through Christ who strengthen us :):)
(oo..I hear the Majulah anthem playing at the primary school! GOOD MORNING Y'ALL!!!!!!!!)
ps: there is Southern Ridges Hike before KS tomorrow, so sms Em-ME-line or Zhisheng asap if you would like to go? meeting place: Buona Vista MRT 8.30am. Take care!
1 comment:
thank you for your sharing, whoever you are..
encouraging thoughts
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