
Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Upcoming Bible Study

This coming Saturday 26 March, 3pm, in church, we will have our next Bible study from the series "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth". We will be studying Chapter 2: Philemon: From Bondage to Brotherhood. Do prepare for this study by reading through the book of Philemon and understanding as much as you can from it before the study. Answer the questions in the Bible study book as well. This way, you would not be left confused during the discussion and others would benefit when you share your answers.

On that day, there will be an Extra Congregation Meeting (ECM) at 2.30pm - 5pm in church. All communicant males are to attend the ECM before joining the Bible Study. There will be captain's ball after the Bible study. Do join in and have fun!

For those of you who attended our last outing to Fort Canning Park, I hope you enjoyed yourself during the activities and fellowship and learnt spiritual lessons as well. We thank God for blessing our time there, and for blessing the labors of those who organized the outing. For the benefit of those who did not attend the outing and so do not know the memory verse for this week, it is 2 Peter 1:10.

"Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:" - 2 Peter 1:10

You can be tested randomly on Saturday or Sunday, so do be prepared. There is a reward in store if you diligently memorize the verses each week. If you do not have one of the beautifully-made KS Redemption Cards with which you can get your reward for diligently memorizing verses, approach Song Jia or Jon Mo for one.

Hope to see you this Saturday, and have a blessed week ahead.

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