Since our stock of the latest issue of Dat KS MEGAzine was sold out so quickly, we've decided to reprint 30 more copies! As a favour to those who didn't manage to get it the first time round, we've got about 15 limited sunrise edition copies up for sale at the same token price of $2! These have a coverpage in colour, but isn't different otherwise from the rest of this issue, so please don't buy it if you already have a copy.
This reprint is only available until the end of May. Please approach any of the magazine crew to request for it!
Please note we're currently looking for people to contribute to the next issue later this year. As volunteer work from the heart is in many ways better than being nagged to write, please do give of your time unto the Lord! We'd like up to 2 people each to cover the following events: KS' OUTREACH activities; 2nd InterChurch Sports Day; and Church Camp 2010! Feel free to write in reflections or devotions too. Please send your work to (:
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