The following is an excerpt taken from a pamphlet created by SYFC (Singapore Youth For Christ) in a series called 'Age of Opportunity'. As it is addressed to parents, I've adapted it so that it addresses us youths.
Do you know the way peer pressure works and the way the pressured responds?
1) Numbers usually win. The more people there are to persuade you, the more easily you will 'accept' what they say.
2) Giving in is the safest (or easiest). Most often, we choose the way of least resistance.
3) Cite no choice as excuse. In Exodus 32:21-24, Aaron insisted he was in no position to argue or turn the situation around.
4) Put the blame on others.
We, teenagers are easily susceptible to peer pressure because we are in the process of taking over the reins of managing their relationships from our parents. When we are young, parents determine who we spend time with. However, as teenagers now, we seek to distinguish our individuality while wanting acceptance from peers, so we are highly sensitive to how others view us and if we are accepted or rejected.
In this transition is much insecurity - we fear how others will view our true self and so will adapt to what we think are acceptable to others. We need to counter this fear or man, by going to God who can change our hearts to fear Him. "O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him." Psalm 34:9 shows us that when God is the one we live for, the one we seek to please, we will be fulfilled.
We need to treasure God's acceptance over man's acceptance such that we can choose to do what is right over compromising our values to gain friends. Practically, we are to see how we may relate our choices and values to our friends. For example, we can learn how to say no graciously and thus maintaining the friendships will go a long way. While we do not want to be influenced negatively, we hope that we can be the positive influence to our friends. What better way than to share with our friends the hope we have in the gospel!
May we constantly pray that we can rise above peer pressure to do what pleases the Lord. :)
~Song Jia