
Monday, 13 December 2010

KS Bible Study

Hi all

Once again, we would be having Bible Study for KS this Friday. Please prepare Be Wise! Study 9 before coming. Thank you and see you there.

*Details on the sidebar

Friday, 3 December 2010

A Note of Thanks

Thanks to the camp committee this year for planning the whole retreat, including all the fun, innovative and exciting games!

Thanks to Jo and Hannah who made sure that we went off to bed early, kept campers in order and made the effort to talk to us campers every now and then!

Thanks to KSers who went for the retreat for active participation in all activities and group discussions!

Thanks to 2 KSSers who were the game masters for two stations on the 2nd day and special thanks to one of the two who planned the last night quiz, which was one we never experienced before!

Thanks to the KSSSer who fetched Pastor Coleborn to and fro church!

And finally... Thanks to Pastor Coleborn for bringing us the messages which were meaningful and understandable! :)